Friday, March 8, 2013

Taking The Chop

Sorry haven't done a post on time this week, but... I've got a blunt cut fringe! I'm still not sure if I actually like it, as it was such a shock as I have never had a fringe before not even when I was younger. Getting a fringe is a real drastic change, it really changes your appearance.

Before you book your appointment, there are some things you have to take into consideration a few are:

  1. Make sure your face shape will suit the fringe.
  2. You must have some extra time in the mornings as getting your fringe to look how you want it to does take some time.
  3. You have to get the trimmed quite often or your hair will be in your eyes all day. (You can do this yourself, or your local hairdressers should do this for free or at a really low price)
If you have decided to take the chop then some tips are:

  • You should use more eye make up as your fringe frames your eyes so you should bring more attention to them.
  • Don't over straighten them.
  • Try not to keep fiddling with them, just let your hair be, as if you keep touching your forehead, it will probably lead to blemishes and unwanted spots which is something I'm sure non of us want.

This is the same style which I have had my hair cut.

What do you think about getting blunt cut front fringes? Have you ever got them or have them now?

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