Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Hair Doughnuts.

I have had a hair doughnut just lying in my drawer for ages, not having a clue on how to use them. But a few weeks ago a friend taught me how to! I think they are simply amazing, they are so fast to do and they add volume to your hair!! Which is good for me; as I have fairly fine hair. 

They can come in small or big sizes. So you can decide depending on the length of your hair, and which you feel is most suitable. They also come in a variety of colours. From blonde, to light brown, dark brown, and then black. But brown and black doesn't make a difference to me as the doughnut isn't meant to show through. But if it does show, if you have really fine hair, then the correct colour choice would be a good idea ( so it blends in).

Dark brown £1 (Primark) Black £5 (Boots)
Photo credit to Style Speaks Louder Than Words♥

Dark brown £1 (Primark) Black £5 (Boots)
Photo credit to Style Speaks Louder Than Words♥

A close up of the £5 hair doughnut from Boots.
Photo Credit to Style Speaks Louder Than Words♥

A close up of the £1 hair doughnut from Primark.
This one is tighter and from my view is better, as it keeps your hair secure and you are less worried of  your hair coming out of place
Photo credit to Style Speaks Louder Than Words♥

If you have excess hair once you hair rolled your hair then you could use the remaining hair and do a plait like the picture above.
Photo credit to Tumblr♥ 

What do you think about Hair Doughnuts? 

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